South River Athletics


CoEd Varsity Track & Field

Team News
Game Summaries (0)

No team summary for this season.

News (10)


Updated on 06/10/2022

The girl’s team finishes in 20th place overall. The boy’s team tied for 25th place overall.

Lamar Rogers is the fourth place finisher in the boy’s 4A 100-meter dash.  
Haley Paskalides is the fifth place finisher in the girl’s 4A pole vault.
Hillary Lee placed 5th in the girl’s 4A 3200-meter run. Hillary’s performance at the State meet allowed her to re-break her own school record. She ran 11:31.25FAT. She also placed 7th and ran her personal best in the 1600-meter run.  She ran 5:15.39FAT.
The girl’s 4x200m relay of LaRia Rogers, Kelli Sol, Katie Reamy, and LaRel Rogers broke their own school record and placed 9th.  They ran 1:44.69FAT.
The 4x400m relay (same girls as 4x200m) won their heat and placed 6th overall to end a very competitive season.
                      Women - 4A - Team Rankings           
    1) Eleanor Roosevelt          108        2) C.H. Flowers               57  
    3) Gov. Thomas Johnson         50        4) Oxon Hill                  46  
    5) Northwest                   45        6) Wootton                    41  
    7) Winston Churchill           38        8) Chesapeake AA              30  
    9) Linganore                   20       10) North Carroll              19  
   11) Gaithersburg                14       11) Old Mill                   14  
   13) Bowie                       12       14) Suitland                   10  
   14) J.H. Blake                  10       16) Dulaney                     8  
   17) Broadneck                    7      18) Parkville                   6  
   18) Westminster                  6       20) South River                 5  
   21) Woodlawn                     2       21) Sherwood                    2  
   21) Leonardtown                  2       21) Severna Park                2  
   25) Quince Orchard               1       25) North County                1  
   25) Springbrook                  1       25) Walt Whitman                1
                       Men - 4A - Team Rankings             
    1) Gov. Thomas Johnson         60        2) Gaithersburg               51  
    3) Eleanor Roosevelt           44        4) C.H. Flowers               43  
    5) Bowie                       33        6) Montgomery Blair           32  
    7) Quince Orchard              30        8) Woodlawn                   28  
    9) Chesapeake AA               26.50    10) Sherwood                   26  
   11) Northwest                   21       12) Walt Whitman               19  
   13) Winston Churchill           16       13) Thomas Stone               16  
   15) Broadneck                   14       15) Suitland                   14  
   17) Severna Park                13       18) Westminster                10  
   18) Walter Johnson              10       20) Linganore                   8  
   20) Magruder                     8       22) North Carroll               6  
   22) Old Mill                     6       24) Richard Montgomery          5  
   25) South River                  4       25) Bladensburg                 4  
   25) Henry A. Wise                4       28) Oxon Hill                   3  
   29) Leonardtown                  1.50    30) Parkville                   1  
                                                                              30) Perry Hall                  1     
100m Dash Semi’s – LaRia Rogers
100m Dash Semi’s – Lamar Rogers
100m Dash Final’s – Lamar Rogers
100m HH – Karie Holian
110m HH – Joshua Hirakawa
200m Dash – LaRia and LeRel Rogers
200m Dash – Lamar Rogers
300 IH – Joshua Hirakawa
1600m Run – Hillary Lee
3200m Run – Hillary Lee
4x200m Relay – LaRia Rogers, Kelli Sol, Katie Reamy, LaRel Rogers
4x400 Relay – LaRel Rogers, Katie Reamy, LaRia Rogers, Kelli Sol
I would like to take this opportunity to tell everyone who participated in the SRHS Outdoor Track & Field team how proud I am of you.  Everything we did this season was a significant accomplishment that undoubtedly required the dedication and cooperation of the whole team. Let’s bring that drive and competitive nature with us to the next year.  
Look forward to seeing you in the winter!
From your friendly neighborhood Coach,



Updated on 06/10/2022

Day 2:

The Girls Outdoor Track Team finished 4th place.  The Boys team placed 7th. The 4A East Regional meet was held at Chesapeake H.S. 
4A East Regional Champions:
LaRel Rogers hit the field with a 1-2 punch by winning the 200m dash (24.4FAT) (which is the new SRHS record!) and the 400m dash (57.93). She also currently holds the school record for the 400m dash at 57.07FAT (ran on 4/18/09).
LaRia Rogers winning the 100m dash. She ran 12.83FAT. 
Other points scored:
Hillary Lee placed 2nd in the 1600m run. She ran 5:17.00FAT, which is the new SRHS record! 
LaRia placed second in the 200m dash, running 25.30FAT.
Karie Holian placed 3rd in the 100m HH, running her personal record of 16.93FAT. She also finished 6th in the high jump, jumping 4’8”.
Alyson Gercken placed 6th in the long jump, jumping 14’6.50”.
Joshua Hirakawa placed 3rd in the 110m HH, running 15.40FAT.  He also finished 3rd in the 300 IH. He ran 41.15FAT.
Lamar Rogers placed 3rd in the 100m dash, running 11.00FAT. He also finished 2nd in the 200m dash.  He ran 22.16FAT.
The girls 4x400m Relay finished with 2nd place running 4:09.18FAT.
1. Chesapeake AA, 108; 2, Old Mill, 104; 3. Leonardtown 95; 4. South River, 94; 5. Broadneck, 46; 6. Severna Park, 40; 7. Arundel, 31; 8. Glen Burnie, 16; 9. North County, 14; 10. Thomas Stone, 10;
1. Chesapeake AA, 136; 2. Severna Park, 115; 3. Broadneck, 65; 4. Old Mill, 61; 5. Leonardtown, 60; 6. Thomas Stone, 47; 7. South River, 29; 8. North County, 25; 9. Arundel, 15; 10. Glen Burnie, 5;
Qualifiers for the
2009 State Outdoor Championship:
100m dash: Lamar Rogers and LaRia Rogers
100m HH: Karie Holian
110m HH: Joshua Hirakawa
200m dash: LaRel, LaRia, and Lamar Rogers
300 IH: Joshua Hirakawa
400m dash: LaRel Rogers
3200m run & 1600M run: Hillary Lee
Triple Jump: Alyson Gercken
Pole Vault: Haley Paskalides
The girl’s 4x200m Relay
The girl’s 4x400m relay
Congratulations goes out to everyone that qualified, they should be extremely proud of their accomplishments!
The next competition is the State meet -- Class 3A & Class 4A on Friday and Saturday May 22-23, 2009. It will be held at the Morgan State University.
See you there!


Updated on 06/10/2022

Day 1:

The Girls Outdoor Track Team is currently in 3rd place behind Chesapeake and Leonardtown. The Boys track team is currently in 9th place. The 4A East Regional meet is being held at Chesapeake H.S. 
A few highlights:
4A East Regional Champions are:
Hillary Lee winning the 3200m run. She ran 11:34.22FAT. 
The girl’s 4x200m winning relay. They ran 1:46.40FAT.
Other points scored:
Haley Paskalides placed 2nd in the pole vault, jumping 9’0”.
Alyson Gercken placed 4th in the triple jump, jumping 33’11”.
Joshua Hirakawa placed 5th in the high jump, jumping 5’6”.
Richard Pineda placed 6th in the 3200m run, running 10:17.42FAT.
Those who made it to the finals (being held Saturday May 16):
100m dash: LaRia Rogers, Lamar Rogers
100/110HH: Karie Holian, Joshua Hirakawa
200m dash: LaRel Rogers, LaRia Rogers, Lamar Rogers
Qualifiers for the 2009 State Outdoor Championship: (THUS FAR)
3200m run: Hillary Lee
Triple Jump: Alyson Gercken
Pole Vault: Haley Paskalides
The girls 4x200m Relay


Updated on 06/10/2022

The Girls Outdoor Track Team finished 4th place behind Meade, Chesapeake, and Old Mill Wednesday and Thursday (May 6 & 7) at Annapolis H.S. 

A few highlights:
LaRel Rogers is the County Champion in the 400-meter dash. She beat the entire field running 57.76 FAT.
Hillary Lee is the County Champion in the 3200-meter run (2-mile). She ran her personal best of 11:31.66 FAT. She also re-broke her own school record.
The Girls 4x400m relay (Kelli Sol, Katie Reamy, LaRel and LaRia Rogers) are the County Champions. They collectively ran 4:01.08 FAT which is their fastest time thus far.
LaRia Rogers places second in the 100-meter and 200-meter dash. She ran 12.77 FAT and 25.87 FAT, respectively.
Karie Holian placed 6th in the 100-meter hurdles running 17.32 FAT.  She also finished 6th placed in the 300 intermediate hurdles running 51.26 FAT.
Elizabeth Simmons and Catherine Quinn ran there personal best of 5:43.44 FAT and 5:43.71 FAT, respectively, and placed 11th and 12th in the girls 1600 meter run.
The girl’s 4x100 meter relay placed 5th, 4x200 meter relay placed 6th, and the 4x800 meter relay placed 6th.
Lamar Rogers placed 5th in the 100-meter dash running 11.26 FAT. He also finished 4th in the 200-meter dash running 22.82 FAT. He finished 11th in the shot put throwing 44’1”.
Joshua Hirakawa jumped 5”6” in the high jump giving him 4rd place. He also finished 4th place in the 100-meter hurdles 16.03 FAT.
Brian Anderson and Tyler McMullen ran their personal best of 11:34.55 FAT and 11:39.29 FAT, respectively, and placed 17th and 18th in the boys 3200 meter run.
The boys 4x400 (Lamar Rogers , Richard Pineda, Joshua Hirakawa, Joshua Gonzalez) ran their personal best of 3:39.

1, Meade, 131.5; 2, Chesapeake, 111; 3, Old Mill, 104; 4, South River, 66; 5, Severna Park, 43; 6, Broadneck, 37; 7, Annapolis, 23; 8, Arundel, 16; 9, Glen Burnie, 10; 10, Southern, 8; 11, North County, 6; 12, Northeast, 2.5. 


1, Meade, 128; 2, Chesapeake, 122.5; 3, Severna Park, 86; 4, Old Mill, 67.5; 5, Annapolis, 58; 6, Broadneck, 25; 7, North County, 20; 8, Arundel, 16; 9, South River, 14; 10, Southern, 10; 11, Glen Burnie, 6; 12, Northeast, 5.


Everyone ran hard and they should be extremely proud of their accomplishments!
The next competition is the Regional meet on Thursday, May 14 at 4pm and Saturday, May 16 at 10am. It will be held at Chesapeake High School.
See you there!

Below is the Girl's County Champions in the 4x400 meter relay.


Updated on 06/10/2022

The girls 4x100m relay (Kelli Sol, LaRia Rogers, Katie Reamy, LaRel Rogers) placed second in their heat and overall 59th out of 264 teams at the Penn Relays Carnival on Thursday April 23, 2009. They ran their fastest time this year of 50.88 FAT (fully automated time). They also ran their fastest time of this season in the 4x400m relay the same day. The girls came in second place running a time of 4:11.85 FAT. Each girl earned a medal for placing in the top 3 of their event.      

Check out the video of the girls 4x100:

Check out the video of the girls 4x400:

The boys 4x100m relay (Joshua Hirakawa, Joshua Gonzalez, Matt Pickens, Lamar Rogers) placed 214 out of 263 teams.  They ran 46.15 FAT. On Saturday, April 25, the boys 4x400m relay (Joshua Hirakawa, Ryan Glynn, Anthony Davis, Joshua Gonzalez) placed 9 out of 12 in their event. They ran their fastest time of this season of 3:46.04 FAT. 
Check out the video of the boys 4x400:


Updated on 06/10/2022

Since the outdoor season began, we have run into some of the worse spring weather....the week days are fine and even the day before our meets and the day after, but Saturdays seem to be destined to be cold, rainy and harsh...and so it was in on April 11th at Mervo HS in Baltimore...the temperature was in the mid-40's and it rained heavily all day...the team put up a great fight and they came out of the meet with some wonderful efforts and solid performances....they also won the meet with 94 points.


Updated on 06/10/2022

Hello Parents and Student Athlete’s,

Minutes the meeting:
- Fundraisers:  Currently, the track and field program is not limited to the number of fundraisers they can do. Next year, the program will only be allowed to do one fundraiser per season. The Sports Boosters will take a 5% cut of every fundraiser.
Signing up to be a part of the sports boosters club will allow monies to be generated to the track and field program.
Joe Cordi’s fundraiser started on Thursday, March 19, 2009. All order forms and monies must be turned in on April 6 to Coach Williams by the end of practice. The delivery date for the products is on Friday April 17, 2009 at 4:30pm. 
Private donations can be made to the Track and Field program. Simply sent the money to the SRHS Sports Boosters and mark it as TRACK Donation. The monies collect will be deposited directly to the track and field account. 
- Self Transportation (Saturday’s): So far we will be self transporting to the 37th Annual Judge C.W. Woodward Track & Field Relays at Georgetown Prep (10900 Rockville Pike North Bethesda, MD 20852) on April 4, 2009 and Freddie Hendricks Invitational at Mergenthaler High School (3500 Hillen Road Baltimore, MD 21218) on April 11, 2009 and Meade Stampede (Meade HS 1100 Clark Road Fort Meade, MD) on April 18 and Anne Arundel County Relays at Annapolis High School (2700 Riva Road Annapolis, MD) on May 2, 2009.
Those student-athlete who are competing, must submit to the head coach the Driver Permission/Student Self-Transportation Form. Each and every time this form must be signed by a parent/guardian of each student involved and approved by the principal before attending any scheduled track meet.
- Uniforms: Females are required to wear a white sports bra under their uniform top. Compression shorts can be worn by the males and females however the color must be blue. If the athlete was not giving a school issued uniform then they should wear a blank white tee shirt (no logo’s) and blue shorts or tights. Males are not to wear boxers under their uniform bottoms. Females are not to wear regular bras under their uniform tops.
- Out of season club sports: No student-athlete is allowed to miss a meet for an out of season club sport. Nor are they allowed to come late or leave early during a track meet for an out of season club event.  Outdoor Track and Field is in season and takes precedence over all out of season sports. So if you ask the head coach can your child miss a meet or leave early from a meet, her answer is going to be no.
- Track and Field Handbook: All athlete’s and parents should read the handbook. It has all sorts of useful information that everyone will need to get through this Outdoor season. Example, if an athlete misses a practice and the head coach was not informed then that athlete will not run at the next track meet. Or missing a practice because of a doctor’s appointment requires a doctor’s note when that athlete returns.   Also, there is a section about Nutrition and Hydration and a special section just for the parents.
Thank you for supporting your child and the South River High School Track and Field,
Coach SWilliams


Updated on 06/10/2022

On occasions, parents/students may be asked to self-transport to scrimmages, off –campus practices and meets. Alternatively, a parent may have to pick up their student athlete early from a track meet (Must be cleared by the Head Coach). If any of those situation are the case then each student athlete must be listed as a driver or passenger on the AACPS self transportation form. Each and every time this form must be signed by a parent/guardian of each student involved and approved by the principal before attending any scheduled track meet.


Updated on 06/10/2022

Hello Parents and Student Athlete’s,

Thank you to everyone that when out to help raise money for the SRHS Track and Field program!
Coach SWilliams


Updated on 06/10/2022